
Biografia [ita]
Originariamente formata in Australia, Loonaloop è attiva nel circuito internazionale dei club e dei festival da oltre un decennio, esibendosi come headliner innumerevoli volte in festival in tutto il mondo. Tra questi festival troviamo: Glastonbury (UK 7 volte), Secret Garden Party (UK), Dance Valley (NL), Rock for People (CZ), Tribal Elek (FR), World Body Painting Festival (AU). Con un amore appassionato per la musica, le esibizioni e i tour, Loonaloop ha venduto più di 10.000 album in modo indipendente e ha percorso l’equivalente di 13 volte la circonferenza della luna nel loro fedele “Loona Van”. Una delle molte vette di Loonaloop è stata la loro performance in 10 Glastonbury Festivals e la vittoria del premio per la migliore canzone elettronica ai NCIEA Music Awards.
Recensione dal vivo:
Emma Sutherland descrive la performance dal vivo in una recensione (estratto): “Loonaloop ha offerto una serata di intrattenimento piena di ritmi con un set che includeva accenni di Drum n Bass, Dub, Trance, Electro e persino un tocco di folk… La capacità della band di passare da un genere all’altro significava che nessuna canzone suonava uguale e una folla sempre più numerosa ne era entusiasta!”
Citazioni preferite dei fan:
“Musica fantastica, fantastica! Li ho visti dal vivo diverse volte e mi hanno sempre sbalordito. Se avete la possibilità di andare a vederli, lasciate perdere tutto e andate… aspettatevi di sudare un po’!!!”
“Non ho mai sentito o visto nulla di simile a Loonaloop e lo adoro assolutamente! Mi avete completamente sbalordito!”
“Wow! Ero lì. Quando sono arrivati, stavo cadendo addormentato con una tazza di chai. La cosa successiva che so è che ho ballato fino alle 3 del mattino. Hanno continuato a suonare ed è stato incredibile. Mi facevano male i muscoli dopo, ma sono stati il momento clou di quel festival per me.”
Massimo Tolli - Drums, Paul Didj- Didge, vocals
Biography [eng]
Short Bio
Loonaloop are a live Electronic act/Band with massive trails and a vibrant history of performances at festivals and clubs all over Europe, UK,NZ, & Aus.
The band has a unique and distinct sound that is a mingling of organic instruments with cutting edge programming and technology.
loonaloop features -Violin that cavorts between luscious melodies & dirty & driving riffs, Powerful engaging Vocals, Pumping Didgeridoo, Powerhouse live Drums, driving bass lines, synths & Electronic gismos that elevate the electronic aspect of the band.
Loonaloop’s live set mixes it up with touches of drum n bass, tribal trance, electro dub, gypsy house & aspects of world/folk music.
Renowned for their charismatic and high-energy performance, loonaloop are at home on any stage and have earned a reputation across the globe as dance floor, and festival favorites.
Loonaloop have 5 studio albums and another that is on the way and due for release in 2023 to support and celebrate their 20th anniversary EU tour. Having this huge pool of tracks to draw from gives Loonaloop an ability to engage and respond to diverse audiences, enrapturing and transporting them on a sonic journey with their signature feel-good sound.
Loonaloop feature Didjeridoo as a lead instrument, and have had the pleasure of touring with many great Didj players from around the world, some of which include Koji Matsumoto, Marcus Meurer, Lies Beijerininck, Agustina Mosca, and this year features Paul Didj -Originally from UK-and now residing in Aus.
The core of Loonaloop comes out of the UK band “Tribal Drift” -who were pioneers in live dance music in the 90s and at the spearhead of featuring didjeridoo in Electronic music.
Favourite fan quote.
“Awesome, awesome music. I’ve seen these live a few times and they always totally blow me away. If you get the chance to go see them, just drop everything and go… expect to get a little sweaty!!!”
I have never heard or seen anything like loonaloop and I absolutely love it! You totally blew me away!
Bio Extended
History -Originally formed in Australia Loonaloop has been active on the international club and festival circuit for over a decade headlining and performing innumerable festivals around the globe, some of which include: Glastonbury (UK 7 times), Secret Garden Party (UK), Dance Valley (NL), Rock for People (CZ), Tribal Elek (FR), World Body Painting Festival (AU). Didj n Bass (AU) Big Day Out (AUS) Aum Festival (NZ) Earth Beat (NZ) Summer stage (Byron Bay Aus) Airlie Beach Fest of Music (QLD)and numerous more in Germany, Italy, Slovakia, UK, Poland, CZ
With a passionate love of music, performing, and touring, Loonaloop have independently sold more than 10,000 albums, and completed the equivalent of 13 times the circumference of the moon in their trusty “Loona Van”.
One of loonaloop’s many highlights is performing at 10 Glastonbury Festivals and taking out the award for Best Electronic Song in the NCIEA Music awards.
Live Review -Emma Sutherland describes the live show in a review (exert)
“Loonaloop provided a night of beat-filled entertainment with a set including hints of Drum n Bass, Dub, Trance, electro & even a touch of folk… The band’s ability to switch between genres meant that no two songs sounded the same and an ever-increasing large crowd lapped it up!“
Favorite Fan quotes- from youtube clips
“Awesome, awesome music. I’ve seen these live a few times and they always blow me away. If you get the chance to go see them, just drop everything and go… Just expect to get a little sweaty!!!”
I have never heard or seen anything like loonaloop and I absolutely love it! You totally blew me away!
“Wow! I was there. When they came on I was falling asleep with a mug of chai, The next thing I know I’m dancing till 3 am. They just kept going and going, it was amazing. I ached so much afterwards but they were the highlight of that festival for me.”
“This was such a good end to a Glastonbury. I danced till I couldn’t dance anymore.”
LOONALOOP ARE : Shiney Lefai - vocals, synth and sampler Jacinta Simons - violin, Keys
Massimo Tolli - Drums, Paul Didj- Didge, vocals
Sito internet: Facebook