Didgeridoo workshop

by Dubravko Lapaine


I wish to go very basic in this small seminar and touch some super simple concepts of didgeridoo playing. So simple that you have probably never thought of them. They are simple but very interesting and often challenging.

We will work with basic relation of release and take, push and pull.
We will practice power relaxed breathing and power relaxed tone making and explore this duality of “power-relaxed” throughout the didgeridoo playing.
These several exercises will be extremely beneficial to your sound and good feeling of playing.

We will work also with didgeridoo acrobatics which will instantly rely on our very good basics. The acrobatics will include parallel playing, parallel playing in relation to movements which make them simple and easy. We will make a correlation between the movements and duration so that we have a tool for accessing various rhythms that were not accessible before.

We will practice drum sound and aircode playing. This will make a fundamental truly percussive playing on which we can develop a whole new world of expression.

Even if you have already been to the workshop before, you will find many new things in this years edition. Also, whether you are a total beginner or a pro, you will most likely have tons of inspiration and exercises to make your own sound and your own playing thrive!
Duration 4h –  Price 50euros.

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